IDCNovember 26, 2024Database: Governments supporting establishing a UN Convention on IDCThe Civil Society FfD Mechanism calls for the establishment of a UN Convention on International Development Cooperation (UN Convention on IDC) ... Read and download
TaxJuly 10, 2024Database: Governments supporting an intergovernmental UN tax body and/or UN Tax ConventionCivil Society FfD Group calls for the establishment of a universal, intergovernmental tax body at the UN and agreeing a UN Tax Convention through a truly universal, intergovernmental process to compre... Read and download
DebtJuly 10, 2024Database: Governments supporting debt cancellation and/or debt architecture reforms at the UNDatabase: Governments supporting debt cancellation and/or debt architecture reforms at the UN Read and download
TradeDatabase: Governments supporting the reform of international trade and investment treatiesThe Civil Society FfD Mechanism calls for the reform of the International Trade and Investment Treaties... Read and download
Private FinanceDatabase: Private FinanceThe central role that private finance has taken in the FfD process is disconcerting. Donor countries have been promoting an agenda that heavily rests on using public money, including Official Developm... Read and download
Systemic IssuesDatabase: Governments call to strengthen global financial governanceThe Civil Society FfD Mechanism calls for the strengthening of global financial governance through: 1. The establishment of a universal, intergovernmental ECOSOC Commission to regulate Credit Rating... Read and download