UNECA Africa FfD Consultation - Addis Ababa - November 18-19, 2024
In the lead-up to the Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4), the Africa regional consultation played a pivotal role in shaping the continent's agenda and priorities. Grounded in the discussions from the second session of the Committee on Economic Governance (CEG) held on November 16-17, 2024, this consultation provided a critical platform to examine Africa’s specific financing needs and strategies for advocating them in the global arena.
Civil society commends the efforts made during this consultation to tackle pressing questions central to Africa’s economic and financial development, including:
Closing the Financing Gap: What practical steps can be identified to address Africa’s unique needs for bridging financing gaps and building an equitable and inclusive Global Financial Architecture?
Global Financial Architecture: How can FfD4 directly address African challenges within the broader context of international rules for taxation, trade, investment, and finance?
Action-Oriented Proposals: What politically feasible and ambitious proposals did African Member States agree to take forward to the FfD4 in 2025?
Restoring Trust in Multilateralism: How can the outcomes of FfD4 help rebuild trust in global partnerships and multilateralism, particularly for African nations?
You can visit the official site here: https://www.uneca.org/eca-events/regional-consultation-fourth-international-conference-financing-development-africa
And download the programme here to learn more about Civil Society's engagement